Thursday, February 28, 2008

DADES: Chapter 7 and Video Posting

For Monday, 3/2

Please read Chapter 7 and complete a journal posting (multiple paragraphs on your ideas, questions, and musings).

You must check out other students' blogs! They're fantastic! Both Beersheba and Malcom have posted youTube videos, which were very interesting. Now I would like each of you to do this. Find a video clip that in some way relates to our class and then briefly explain why it's worth watching. You can make the video a "Page Element" or you can insert within a post. Either way is fine.

Each of you should then respond to one journal posting and one video. Please post these by 8pm on Sunday so that everyone has a chance to respond. Have fun!!!

1 comment:

malcolm said...

clary, im having some computer problems. one computer has no sound or working headphone jack for some reason, and this one is working reaaaaaaallllyyyy slowly. im gonna try to get a video soon, but it might not work in time. i should be able to get one up by the end of this weekend, but probably not by 8:00.