Sunday, February 24, 2008

Survey Results: Technology and You

Here are the survey results that 8 of you completed:

1. Technological advances make life better for everyone.

Agree 50%
Disagree 50%

2. It would be great to have my own personal robot to take care of my needs.

Agree 62.5%
Disagree 37.5%

3. It is dangerous to place too much faith in technology.
Agree 87.5%
Disagree 12.5%
4. Having the latest technology is important to success.
Agree 62.5%Disagree 37.5%

5. The conveniences of modern technology outweigh the disadvantages.

Agree 25%
Disagree 75%

6. Online networks (like MySpace) help develop and maintain friendships with other people.
Agree 75%
Disagree 25%

7. If people let machines do too much for them, eventually people will no longer be able to do things for themselves.
Agree 100%
Disagree 0%

8. It is possible for a human to love a

Agree 62.5%
Disagree 37.5 %

9. Eventually, artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence.

Agree 71.4%
Disagree 28.6%

10. Eventually, humans and machines will merge, creating a new species.
Agree 62.5%
Disagree 37.5%

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