Sunday, February 24, 2008

DADES: Chapter 5

For Tuesday, 2/26

Questions to consider for your blog:

1. What can be concluded from the questions that Rick Deckard asked Rachael Rosen? What is significant about her responses?

2. Do humans simulate responses? Discuss how and why? What does this say about human nature?

3. Check out the PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) website. What do you think about their position with regard to animals? Do you believe in animal testing for medical purposes? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a vegetarian?

4. What do you make of Eldon Rosen’s statement “We produced what the colonist wanted…We followed the time-honored principle underlying every commercial venture”?

5. If only a bone-marrow test can distinguish an android from a human, can there be much l difference between the two?

6. What qualities distinguish human beings from animals and/or machines? What aspects of humanity have artificial substitutes and why? How did the ideas of Copernicus and Darwin shape and revise our understanding of humanities place in the world? Will technology force a reassessment of how we see ourselves?

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