Thursday, February 28, 2008

DADES: Chapter 6

Here we here more about John Isidore, the chickenhead. I'm curious about how his story will intersect with the Rick Deckard/Rachel Rosen plot. After all, Rachel is mentioned when Pris Stratton gives Rachel as her first name. Strange stuff!

What do you think Dick thought about television and celebrity culture (which is of course MUCH more pronounced today than in 1968). Keep an eye on Buster Friendly. Is he friendly?

Consider Pris Stratton's manner: no shirt, no knowledge of Buster Friendly or kipple, no empathy box. She's an odd one. Why did she call herself Rachel Rosen at first? What does she think of J.R. Isidore. One of you said that even though she can be mean ("more of your chickenhead imagination") she seemed to warm up to Isidore as there conversation continues. At the very least, she seems less fearful that she does when she first opens the door.

And how about the "kipple." Isidore defines it for us as "useless objects, like junk mail or match folders after you use the last match or gum wrappers....When nobody's around, kipple reproduces itself." Also, "There's the First Law of Kipple...Kipple drives out nonkipple." Remember that earlier, in Chapter 2, the narrator tells us that everything falls into "entropic ruin. Eventually everything within the building would merge, would be faceless and identical, mere pudding-like kipple piled to the ceiling of each apartment." Would this include humans?

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