Sunday, April 20, 2008

Visualizing the Brave New World

Assemble into groups of no more than 3-4. Take a large piece of construction paper and fold into six different sections. Complete the following in the six different sections. Fill up each rectangle and make it visually pleasing using markers and any other materials available to you.

1. Depict what you imagine the Brave New World looks like. You might create a cityscape of London with games, cars, and buildings or you might imagine the inside of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Center. Include at least three key terms associated with the setting and one significant quote that would help a reader interpret the scene.

2. Depict Bernard Marx. Surround his portrait with at least five key words or phrases that help us understand his character.

3. Depict the character of Lenina Crowne. Surround her portrait with at least five key words or phrases that help us understand her character.

4. Depict the Savage Reservation. Include at least three key terms associated with the setting and one significant quote that would help a reader interpret the scene.

5. Depict the character of John, the Savage. Surround his portrait with at least five key words or phrases that help us understand his character.

6. Design a new book cover and original title for the novel. Keep it simple, focusing on one or two key concepts from the book.

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