Sunday, April 6, 2008

Examining Film Stills

1. The large blue eye. Whose eye is this? Why do you think the film begins with this image?

2. The Tyrell Corporation ziggurat. What might this architecture tell us about the future?

3. The video billboard of Asian woman taking a pill. How might this image relate to Huxley's Brave New World?

4. The neon dragon. How might this image relate to a larger theme in the film?

5. Tyrell with glasses and the interior of the Tyrell complex. What themes do these images of Tyrell and his headquarters help support?

6. Bryant's office. How does the interior of Bryant's office compare to Tyrell's headquarters? What other features do you notice?

7. Rachael's eye framed by the Voigt-Kampff machine. Why is this image and the voigt-Kampff machine ironic?

8. The picture found in Leon's apartment. Does this image remind you of anything? What are some of the features of the photograph?

9. Deckard's unicorn dream sequence, the pictures on his piano, and the origami unicorn. What might these images suggest about the character of Rick Deckard?

10. Crowded street scenes. What are some of the significant features of the street scenes?

11. Images of Zhora, Rachel, and Pris. What do the depictions of the three female replicants suggest? Brainstorm similarities and differences.

12. Roy Batty's pierced hand and the dove. Why does Roy Batty injure his hand? Why is the dove significant? Why does Roy save Deckard?

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