Tuesday, March 4, 2008

DADES: Chapter 9

Read and complete a journal posting for Chapter 9 for Friday. Post by 9pm Thursday evening and give feedback to two of your classmates.


malcolm said...

so, this isnt due until friday, right?

in response to the comment on my video...

ive seen adaptation, and loved it. charlie kauffman is probably in my top 5 favorite screenwriters of all time, behind wes anderson, owen wilson (both wrote rushmore and royal tenenbaums together), kevin smith (clerks), and maybe Richard Kelly. (donnie darko) i love his work, but i never seem to enjoy the endings of his films, but they grow on me. i watched Being John Malkovich again, and the ending was slightly more appealing after another viewing. i have eternal sunshine, but i havent watched it yet. i plan to soon though. kauffman has another movie coming out soon called "Synecdoche, New York" its the first film he's made that he is also directing. it looks good.


Georgia said...

I can not get my video to work. I have tried several different ways and I guess I just don't get it. The only way I can show a video (that I can figure out at least) is if I do the video bar thing, but I want to have my video in a blog post....ahh