Sunday, March 9, 2008

DADES: Chapter 10-11

These are the "twilight zone" chapters. It's here that PKD begins to play with his reader. What is real and how do we know? Who should we believe? Is Rick Deckard an android? What evidence do we have that he might be? What evidence do we have that he is indeed human? Is the fact that there a question what's important? What is PKD trying to suggest about the human condition?

Are androids trying to "retire" the humans, just as the humans are trying to "retire" the androids? If so, aren't they both "killers." Remember Mercerism claims that "you should kill only the killers" (pg. 27)Huh?

Traits of an android: cold, cerebral, detached, lacking in empathy, cannot fuse with Mercer, don't care what happens to other androids, synthetic memory systems,

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